At Media Support Services we offer a full range of wedding and special event videography, using a combination of ground and aerial video cameras. Our professional team works to your bespoke specifications to capture all those special moments, from pre-wedding preparations, arrival at the wedding venue, the ceremony and departure, through to the post-wedding celebrations, speeches and evening events.
Our aim is to record every little detail, creating a film that you will treasure and look back on for years to come. We specialise in capturing those ‘natural’ shots for prosperity: the unexpected wedding moments, human reactions, the love, tears of joy and laughter, all filmed from unusual and creative angles that make our footage really stand out from the crowd.
Our aerial photography, videography and editing will make your day look even more special, with shots from angles a standard wedding photographer can only marvel at. We continually invest in the best high-resolution, professional equipment, and the latest video editing technology. This investment, teamed with professional camera operators, ensures our footage is always the best quality, filming in stunning 4k, or HD if you prefer.
We pride ourselves on capturing the moments you don’t always see. Using our range of gimbals, we can take fluid ‘walk-through’ shots, as our fully trained camera crew films those all-important ground-based details. These smaller, hand-held devices allow us to get right up close to the action, without being intrusive, something we know is so important to couples and their guests at parties and weddings. You would hardly realise we are there, so there is no need to be camera shy!
Media Support Services are covered by comprehensive £5 million Public Liability insurance…we would not run things any other way. Each client is treated as an individual, and at the start of the journey, we discuss personal requirements and create a ‘wish list’ of moments they want to capture. This is developed into a filming schedule to ensure that we have literally ‘all angles covered’.
Call 07398 113960 or email us at
for a friendly consultation and no obligation quote